Friday, May 28, 2010

Nic and Kate

I had the extreme pleasure and honor of assisting Jon Spratt in photographing Nic and Kate's wedding in Oklahoma. It was a Beautiful wedding filled with Love. Here are a few of my favorite moments to share with you!

The Bride enjoying how cute her little nephew is!

How often do you see the BRIDE helping the bridesmaids get ready when she isn't ready herself?! Katelyn is so AMAZING! :)

One of the Bridesmaids assisting Katelyn in finally getting ready! :)

All the Bride's jewelry for the day, not to mention the adorable shoes.

Time to get dressed!

Jewelry time!

Mom enjoying a special moment with her daughter!

I had never seen a Bouquet like this, but I LOVED IT!

Everyone needed an upclose look at the ring, of course!

AW! Bride's parents!

We were arranging everyone else for a picture, and they were just standing there looking soo in love. I couldn't resist taking a picture.

This was my second wedding at this church... I KNOW not to let ANYONE HERE NEAR my car! LOL! :)

I hope you enjoyed seeing a glimpse into this couple's special day!


  1. LOVE the ring shot (with their names), babe! Wow.

  2. Thanks so much Darlin'! :) I saw this done once and I've been patiently waiting to try it out. ;)
