Last Sunday I was honored to get to be a part of something truly special! I went to wait with the families and to be there with them as their loved ones returned from Iraq in time for Christmas.
It was a long wait for some as there were delays, but I think everyone would say it was worth the wait to see their loved ones as they arrived! I for one, was sooo happy to be there. As a military brat I could relate to the emotions in the room, and yes... I cried.. I AM human. :-) It was a wonderful moment for each of these families... but it is also a reminder that there are those serving our country that won't be home for the holidays, and my prayers are with them and their loved ones back home.
Here are some highlights of the day!

This little guy was sooo proud of his sign, he wanted to make sure EVERYONE saw it! :-)

They showed a slideshow of pictures while we waited, of the soldiers while they've been gone, and of family members back home too... They had some great song choices in there, and yes, this was my FIRST time crying that day, but not my last.

People watching the slideshow and looking for their loved one in the photos.

The kiddos really did a great job hanging in there. It was obvious some had been there since early that morning and were tired. Poor little things!